
  • At Natures Cart we value our customer’s opinions and feedback and always work hard towards customer satisfaction. Hence In case of any problems with the order you can easily reach out to our customer care at +971509800101 or email us at [email protected]. We will always be available to assist you.
  • In case of refunds (full or partial), if the payment has been made using debit/credit card, we will issue the refund amount to the same card.
  • In appropriate case if you did not receive your order at all or received an incorrect order, you may be issued a full amount refund; if part of your order is missing, we may top up your wallet with the missing item/items amount or create and share a promo code with the refunded amount or we will issue a bank credit/debit card partial refund
  • Refunds will be done only through the original mode of payment and may take up to seven working days to reflect on your account depending on your bank refund policy.